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Desktop Wallpapers for use on computers

When you switch on your computer and it finishes the boot up sequence, you see a screen with either a picture or a solid color and a bunch of icons. In computer terms the screen you see is called a desktop. It is the place where you can store shortcuts, images, documents and other files.

Desktop Wallpaper are a background pattern in the computer, against which menus, icons and other elements are displayed. The free desktop wallpapers are found in either JPEG or GIF file formats. They can be used with Microsoft Windows, Macintosh Mac OS, Linux and other operating systems. Usually, each of the operating systems has several pre-installed wallpapers for the user to use. Once these wallpapers start to get boring, then the user can turn to the Internet to download free desktop wallpaper for use on his computer.

Free wallpapers are among the most popular things you can find.
Nature - Springtime Free Desktop Wallpapers.
Nature Desktop Wallpapers

Anime Free Desktop Wallpaper images.
Anime Pictures
How does having a desktop wallpaper help? Is it really needed? While having decorative wallpaper is not necessary or compulsory, it is a choice that many people exercise to add a personal touch to their computer. This is done either through selecting a picture or image that means something to them or even having a quote that is a reminder or an inspiration of one's philosophy or goals. Many look at it as a style statement.
Animals - Pets Desktop Wallpaper collection.
Pets Wallpapers
Birds Desktop photo Free collection.
Birds photos
There are a couple of websites Like PicsDesktop.com that offer free desktop wallpapers. All one has to do is visit the site, and a myriad of designs are ready for browsing online. Desktop wallpapers can be of any design imaginable. Choosing can be a bit tricky, since designs range from animals to nature, movies, and music, among many others. Wallpapers reflect the computer owner's personality; since one person's taste differs from another, people are bound to have their own preferences in choosing wallpapers.
Flowers art pictures Free Desktop Wallpapers collection.
Flowers art
Food & Drinks Free Desktop Wallpapers.
Food & Drinks Wallpapers

The images that are used to create free desktop wallpapers are usually raster graphics, which have the same size as the display resolution of the computer. This is to enable the free desktop wallpaper to fill the whole background of the computer. As most of the screen resolutions of computers are proportional, images scaled to fit a different sized screen is found to be in the correct shape. Although wide-screen monitors have different aspect ratio requirements for the free wallpaper, the images that are designed for standard monitors can be scaled to fit to the monitor without any loss of quality.

Gothic Art Free Desktop Wallpaper pictures.
Gothic horror Wallpapers
Space Nasa pictures Free Desktop Wallpapers.
Universe on Your Desktop

When one gets tired of a particular design, one can easily change the display again. Since there is quite a huge library of designs available online, one can even choose to change the desktop display everyday. Since there is no limit to the number of downloads of wallpapers, this is one of those rare moments when one can choose to be greedy and download as many images as he or she wants.

Desktop wallpapers are free. It is not wise to buy them since there are practically millions of pictures available all over the Internet for free. In fact, people who know better do not even download. They simply do something practical based on the available tools in the PC and off they collect wallpapers. This is really simple.

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